Advanced Microprocessor And Peripherals A.k.ray And K.m.bhurchandi Pdf
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This evolution was possible because of the tremendous advances in the semiconductor process technology. The first microprocessor 4004 contained only ten thousand transistors while the component density increased more than threefold in less than a decade’s time.
Immediately after the introduction of the 4004, Intel introduced the first eight bit microprocessor 8008 in 1972; these processors were, however, not successful because of their inherent limitations. In 1974, Intel released the first general purpose 8-bit microprocessor 8080. This CPU also was not functionally complete and the first 8-bit functionally complete CPU 8085 was introduced in 1977. The 8085 CPU is still the most popular one amongst all the 8-bit CPUs.
The 8085 CPU houses an on-chip clock generator and provides good performance utilizing an optimum set of registers and a reasonably powerful ALU. The major limitations of these 8-bit microprocessors are their limited memory addressing capacity, slow speed of execution, limited number of scratchpad registers and non-availability of complex instruction set and addressing modes. Another important point to be mentioned here is that 8085 does not support adequate pipelining or parallelism which is so important for enhancing the speed of computation. For example, the non-availability of any instruction queue in an 8085 CPU leads to a situation where the fetching of opcode and operands along with the execution takes place in an absolutely sequential manner.This Book gives the introduction to 8086 Microprocessors.
About the Book: Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals 'The third edition of this popular text continues integrating basic concepts, theory, design and real-life applications related to the subject technology, to enable holistic understanding of the concepts. The chapters are introduced in tune with the conceptual flow of the subject; with in-depth discussion of concepts About the Book: Advanced Microprocessor and Peripherals 'The third edition of this popular text continues integrating basic concepts, theory, design and real-life applications related to the subject technology, to enable holistic understanding of the concepts. The chapters are introduced in tune with the conceptual flow of the subject; with in-depth discussion of concepts using excellent interfacing and programming examples in assembly language Features: Updated with crucial topics like ARM Architecture, Serial Communication Standard USB New and updated chapters explaining 8051 Microcontrollers, Instruction set and Peripheral Interfacing along with Project(s) Design Latest real-life applications like Hard drives, CDs, DVDs, Blue Ray Drives' Contents 1.
The Processors: 8086/8088- Architectures, Pin Diagramsand Timing Diagrams 2. 8086/8088 Instruction Set and Assembler Directives 3.
The Art of Assembly Language Programming with 8086/8088 4. Special Architectural Features and Related Programming 5. Basic Peripherals and their Interfacing with 8086/88 6. Special Purpose Programmable Peripheral Devices and Their Interfacing 7. DMA, & High Storage Capacity Memory Devices 8. Multimicroprocessor Systems 9.