Apk Jar File Converter
Netmite Android j2me java runner run java apps on android. Possible Duplicate: apk to jar convertor In order to have a multiplatform application, i have a question a little special: It's how to convert the file 'APK' to 'JAR'. Apr 29, 2014 Hi! You can convert jar to apk! These are the steps you have to follow: 1) Select a jar file. Download Digital Clock Gif Animation. Two possibilities: you've got it on the internet, or on.
You can convert jar to apk! These are the steps you have to follow: 1) Select a jar file. Two possibilities: you've got it on the internet, or on your computer. In the 2nd case, you must create the jad file (if you don't already have it), by using for example. 2) Go, and select the url of the file or choose the files to upload from your computer, and let the website do the job!!
Bakugan Games there. Does Oregon Have Enhanced Drivers License. The only thing is that it takes some time. But usually, it works!
Hope it will work for you (some jar files aren't supported, I guess)!!!