Basic Statistics For The Health Sciences

Basic Statistics For The Health Sciences

An older version of the Basic Statistics book used in a lot of second-rate online statistics classes. By geofflilley in Types >School Work, statistics, and health. Oct 01, 1999 Basic Statistics for the Health Sciences 3.67 Rating details 15 Ratings 1 Review. The first introductory statistics text written specifically to make statistics accessible for health science students.

Available in: Hardcover. The first introductory statistics text written specifically to make statistics accessible for health science students.

Statistics and How They Are Used 2. Populations and Samples 3.

The Truth About Muhammad Robert Spencer Pdf. Organizing and Displaying Data 4. Summarizing Data 5. Sonic 2006 Pc. Probability 6. The Normal Distribution 7.

Sampling Distribution of Means 8. Sample Significance Testing, Point Estimates, and Confidence Intervals 9. Two Sample Significance Testing, Point Estimates, and Confidence Intervals 10. Analysis of Variance, ANOVA 11. Inferences Regarding Proportions 12. The Chi-Square Test 13. Correlation and Linear Regression 14.

Nonparametric Methods 15. Vital Statistics and Demographic Methods 16.

Life Tables 17. The Health Survey and the Research Report Appendix A: Binomial Probability Table Appendix B: Percentiles of the F Distribution Appendix C: Percentage Points of the Studentized Range for 2 Through 20 Treatments Appendix D: Critical Values of n for the Sign Test Appendix E: Random Digits. - This is the only introductory statistics text written specifically for health science students. Assuming no prerequisites other than high school algebra, the authors provide numerous examples from health settings, a wealth of helpful learning aids, as well as hundreds of exercises to help students succeed.

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