Dungeons And Dragons Dragonshard No Cd Patch
Dungeons and Dragons: Dragonshard. SUBTiLE Backup CD Dungeons and Dragons: Dragonshard v1.1. Dragonshard Singleplayer Demo. Dragonshard UK retail v1.2. Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard. Dragonshard not DRM free? Invalid CD-key error in crossover! Patch update? Download Dragonshard Patch v1.2.1b now from the world's. FilePlanet is no longer being updated and is in. Dragonshard, Dungeons and Dragons. At&t Annual Report 2009.
Ahh, just got Dungeons and Dragons: Dragonshard. Shipped yesterday. Anyways, I ****ed up my CD Reader while modding it, it doesnt wanna read under speeds of 52X but I will fix it next weekend. Until then, I was wondering if someone got a mini image handy?? I dont want a nocd patch since one isnt gonna come out anytime soon, if it comes out at all, so a nice lil mini image will do just fine I made a mini-image (More of a mega image 752MB) of the entire disc #1 of Dragonshard using the latest version Of Alcohol120% and it works fine mouted with D-tools.
I haven't really fiddled with trying to cut it down to size much but I suggest that you try that becuase a full mini image does work if your not hindered for harddrive space. I have been trying to use daemon tools to mount a full image of the first cd it is a ccd (clone cd) but when i try to enter the game i get the message 'cd/dvd emulation software has been detected. Huawei Viewpoint 8066 Manual. Please disable all cd/dvd emulation software and re-start the game' I've read posts that some games have protection that detect Clone CD and won't work period unless you have a way to mask it as what I beleive Joe says above. I don't have that program installed on my systems and I don't ever get that error message you speak of.