Font Vgasys.fon
Batch Barcode Generator. I have a 32-bit Delphi program that writes to a bitmap with the «MS Sans Serif» font. There is lots of users of this program on Windows 7 64-bit. All working fine except one. She gets a result that is equal to the 125% (to large) size of the font.
I’m aware of the font bug with installing on a high resolution screen (described here ), but both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWAR E Microsof t Windows NT CurrentVersion Fonts MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 And HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWAR E Wow6432N ode Micros oft Window s NT CurrentVersion Fonts MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 Points to the correct file name SSERIFE.FON I’ve inspected the SSERIFE. No Pain No Game By Nano. FON (64 Kb) file in her Windows Font folder and it’s not the same as SSERIFF.FON (88 Kb). Is there other mechanisms that decides which font file that’s being used? Other than the two mentioned registry keys? Anyone out there that has experienced a similar problem and have a solution?