How To Program Pic16f628a Using Pickit2

How To Program Pic16f628a Using Pickit2Pic16f628a Frequency Counter

Sep 20, 2006 I am using microchip's programmer PICKIT2 to program PIC16F628A but it fails the verification process. And I when blank check the microcontoller, it. Mar 29, 2011 I programmed a pic16f628a with configuration word like below. You may click 'tools' in pickit2 driver and Use Vpp first program entry. How to get started using the PICkit 2 Programmer/Debugger to program. This user’s guide describes how to use PICkit 2. Other useful documents are listed.

Software Play Animation Vs Animator Hacked Game. Hy guys, I'm new to this forum and to picmicro also.and i believe i made a mistake and now i don't know how to solve it. I programmed a pic16f628a with configuration word like below: __CONFIG_PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF & _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT & _BODEN_ON & _LVP_OFF & _CP_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF And now my code is executing normally but my pic won't enter again in programming mode.I believe this is because i disabled MCLR.I searched for other threads on this forum and others but nothing.someone told my i can try LVP and pull RB5/PGM to ground.but since LVP is disabled also.i believe this won't work.