Qt Serial Port Baud Rates 115200
Under Windows 7, Qt 5.3 I have problems to set the baudrate of a QSerialPort: @QSerialPort *serial = new QSerialPort(this); serial->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); serial->setBaudRate(115200);@ setBaudRate returns true, but on some machines the baudrate is not actually set. I need to open/close the port with an external serial terminal (like RealTerm) with the desired baudrate in order to get it works. I tried to set the baudrate before opening the port with no chance. On other computers (same o.s., same Qt version, same USB/RS232 converter) it works fine. I cannot understand where is the mistake. Anyway, do you know any workaround to BE SURE the baudrate is really set?
How to read 115200 Baud digital signal on. Also make sure the hardware serial baud rate is as fast if not faster than. You have to use the built-in serial port.
I'm puzzling over using Windows API or even launch a command-line terminal with QProcess. Thanks for the comment.
I was working with QExtSerialPort sometime ago and I remember a similar problem before QSerialPort was introduced in a Qt distribution. So maybe I have mixed things up. You could also try to set the baudrate to i.e. 9600 first and then back to 150kBd again in order to change any underlying variable. But this still wouldn't explain why it works on some PCs and not on others.
Qt Serial Port Baud Rates 115200 Cbreak mode. Input is not assembled into lines but some special characters are processed. Unless set otherwise, canonical (or cooked mode under BSD) is the default. The special characters processed in the corresponding modes are control characters, such as end- of- line or backspace. Qt Serial Port; C++ Classes; QSerialPort. 115200: 115200 baud. This enumeration is used for setting the baud rate of the device separately. QSerialPort Custom BaudRate. I have Qt 5.3.1 installed and I set the baud rate after I've called. If qt or USB serial converter driver that is not working as.
On the other hand it may help to debug down to the win32 code of QSerialPort on a system that works and on another that doesn't. Maybe this could help you discover why true ist returned from the software and nothing happens on the hardware. Cm 2008 Editor.
I have a simple application which opens a serial port with various settings that I can configure. If I have a remote device setup to send data out on a loop at 921600 baud and open the qt terminal application at 115200 baud then garbage data is displayed - expected. If however I switch to a baud rate of 921600 then I see no data (maybe the screen is too slow to update, I'm doing this over VNC) but I see the count of received characters incrementing. If I close the port, the application freezes, and within a minute the whole device (macbook) crashes. Sitecom Tc-140 Manual.
I've checked console but it doesn't show anything related to the crash. Not actually sure if the problem is with OSX, Qt or my application and due to only being able to use the macbook via VNC I'm not sure of the exact problem that occurs. Edit - Full steps to reproduce: Connect an FTDI device to Mac and have it send out data at 921600 all the time Run the sample terminal application Go to settings, select the cu FTDI device (not the tty) Change speed to 115200 Open the port Wait for a moment Close the port Go back to settings, change the baud rate to custom and enter 921600 Open the port Try to close the port - the program will freeze. Open terminal and kill process, nothing will happen, process is still running. Kill -9 the process, after about 20 seconds the system is dead.