Serge Nubret Workout Template For Lifting
Article last updated: January 2018 by Oskar Faarkrog, ISSA Certified Trainer I often see guys at the gym using way more weight than me. Some of them are bigger, but surprisingly, most of them are not. Last time I trained at the gym, I finished my workout with 35lbs barbell curls. In the meanwhile, there was a guy next to me curling double of my weight.
That guy was significantly smaller than me. This made me think about the first few years of my training where I believed that you can only grow by lifting heavy. Back then, I would often be the guy at the gym who was deadlifting the most weight. When I saw ripped guys train next to me with half of my weight, I thought “he probably has great, since he can train with baby weights and look like that”. Then, one day, I looked at my progress pictures from my first few years of training and I was VERY disappointed., but I didn’t look any better. Therefore, it was time for a change in my training.
During my search for new ways to train I stumbled upon this fella called Serge Nubret Serge Nubret’s 3 Training Principles Serge Nubret was one of the top 3 bodybuilders in the world in 1972-1975. He had very wide shoulders and a narrow waist, weighing a shredded 200lbs at 6 feet of height.
In 2006, Serge shared all his bodybuilding advice on the. The topic got almost 12,000 responses, and it’s a very interesting read. After reading through many of his comments, I found that he relied on 3 interesting training principles, which went completely against my beliefs at that time: • is overrated – your body can adapt to a lot more than you think. Serge trained for +2 hours a day, 6 days a week and did abs every morning for cardio. • The amount of weight you lift doesn’t matter. What matters is how you lift the weight. Serge always used light weights and focused on contracting his muscles.
• Your muscles grow better from doing a lot of sets and reps with low rest between sets, because that enables you to keep a great pump throughout your whole training session. Serge would do 42-72 sets per training session with 30-60 seconds rest between sets. In other words, he was an advocate of pump training done until your muscles are completely trashed, which was the exact opposite of what I was doing. His arm routine consisted of 32 sets and 384 reps! I have tried his several times, and I was forced to use 15 lbs dumbbells for biceps to complete it. In the first few sets you think that his workout is a joke, but once you reach the end of the supersets, your arms will have such an intense burn, that you will want to quit. The only question is: will you give up, or keep going?
Learn about Segre Nubret's workout methods breaking down each day, how he achieved his results to sculpt his body, and tips from Serge himself.
Oskar, Love that I found your site recently. Weegie Snowball Game - Free Software And Shareware. I started lifting more seriously about seven years ago (I was 26 at the time).