Elliot 14m Shaper Manual

And here's my Elliott shaper (not Edison as I mentioned earlier). I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. It scares the bejesus out of me when running! Anyone seen a manual on the beast? I'd love to know how to drive it without losing limbs, fingers, eyesight etc while learning the hard way. Cheers, CamelA manual for it should not be too hard to track down, I own a smaller brother to it a 14M (14' stroke), yours looks to be an 18MR (18 inch stroke and rotating table) You could get a manual for it from here -->>MI500/ME218B Invicta Shaper Models: MR2, MR4, MR5 & MR6 and INVICTA Series 2M. 4M, 5M, 6M, 14M, 18M, 24M, 30M (14' to 30' inch stroke) Operating & Maintenance Manual & Parts Manual as Photographs.
£25 US$44 But it is expensive by the time you get it posted here although the quality of his scans is superb.Elliott bought out Invicta and simply continued on making the same models under a different name. Dragon Ball Z The Legend Pc. I have not bothered getting a manual as shapers seem to be pretty easy to operate and quite safe so long as you keep your attachments away from it while it is operating.

INVICTA (also badged Elliott) Shaper Models: 2MR, 4MR, 5MR and 6MR and INVICTA Series 2M. 4M, 5M, 6M, 14M, 18M, 24M, 30M (14' to 30' inch stroke). Invicta (Elliott) Shaper Models. Operator's and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated. 4MR, 5MR and 6MR and INVICTA Series 2M. 4M, 5M, 6M, 14M, 18M, 24M, 30M (14. Feb 15, 2011 Aquired Elliot 14' shaper. Does anyone know where I can get a manual. Never have been able to figure out Elliots shaper model numbering, mine is an Elliot 14M.
Here is a video of my shaper in operation [ame='- Elliott 14M shaper[/ame] There is a great thread on shapers from all over the world here -->>I also just noticed your Macson lathe has a very rare and expensive style of 3 jaw chuck. .R.C.What can I say? What an education I've had today.
I'm a bit gobsmacked by it all. I had no idea of the Elliott's potential until I started chasing down all the threads on shapers. I've also downloaded the manuals I've found throughout the web, those at are fantastic.
I'll be poring over those tonight.I've also gained a lot more respect for the beast since I've seen what others are paying for their shapers. Th mate I bought mine from owns a business and oftens says (in general) 'It's not what you think its worth, its what people are prepared to pay'.
That has now bitten him firmly on the bum. At the time I bought my Macson he was also trying to sell the Elliott. I wasn't interested in the shaper. So he threw it in for nix!Mind you, I only got one bit for it. You seemed to received all of the Rocky railway yards collection!Cheers,Camel. .R.C.What can I say? What an education I've had today.
I'm a bit gobsmacked by it all. I had no idea of the Elliott's potential until I started chasing down all the threads on shapers. I've also downloaded the manuals I've found throughout the web, those at are fantastic. I'll be poring over those tonight.I've also gained a lot more respect for the beast since I've seen what others are paying for their shapers. Th mate I bought mine from owns a business and oftens says (in general) 'It's not what you think its worth, its what people are prepared to pay'. That has now bitten him firmly on the bum. At the time I bought my Macson he was also trying to sell the Elliott.